Quasi is an interpreted programming language with similar features to many mainstream languages. It supports variables, scopes, functions, expressions, and more.
Bitcoin Miner
Bitcoin Miner
A solo GPU- and CPU-capable Bitcoin miner with block-aware mining and a SHA256 compute shader. It is designed to be efficient and fast, with a focus on performance and ease of use.
Crave is a YouTube-like recipe explorer with semantic recommendations and powerful search. It allows users to find recipes based on their ingredients, and it also recommends recipes based on their previous searches. It also includes a powerful search engine that allows users to search for recipes based on their ingredients, their preparation time, and even their nutritional value.
StatPixel is a Discord bot that gives users access to huge amounts of data about Hypixel player performance, history, statistics, and much more, all in Discord.
Basket is a simple HTTP/1.1 client library for Rust. It comes with support for JSON and XML out of the box, with a clean and intuitive API.
Noteboard is a music-based collaborative drawing tool. It allows everyone to create and share their own music creations in real-time with anyone around the world.
Jukebox Music Client
Jukebox Music Client
This project is a Discord bot that allows users to play music in voice channels. It uses a dedicated text channel to accept new tracks, such as playlists, songs, or titles. Users can manage the queue, playback, and even audio effects using various buttons. It supports multiple music streaming platforms, including Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and even Gutenberg (a book repository), reading the books out loud.
Minecraft Name Index
Minecraft Name Index
This tool periodically scans the top 400,000 English words to check their availability as usernames on Minecraft: Java Edition. The names are ranked based on their frequency in the English language, and they are tagged with various information such as whether they are real names, taken, recently available, or banned. This tool allows players to easily find unique and desirable names for their Minecraft accounts.
Twitch Chat Downloader
Twitch Chat Downloader
This tool allows users to download or archive chat messages from any Twitch live stream that aired in the last 30 days. It can download large amounts of chat messages quickly, with the capability of downloading up to 5,000,000 messages per hour, depending on network speed. It includes features like multi-threading and connection pooling for efficient data retrieval and buffered writing for efficient storage. Users can download chat messages from multiple channels and videos in parallel, and it also includes a user-friendly graphical interface for browsing previous live streams.
Discord Bot Framework
Discord Bot Framework
Framecord is a modular and extensible framework for creating Discord bots. It uses the discord.js library internally, and utilizes modern Discord features, like slash commands, buttons, and modals.
Chat Generator AI
Chat Generator AI
Chat Generator AI is an addition to the "Twitch Chat Downloader" project. It uses TensorFlow and an LSTM model to generate Twitch chat messages from a repository of previous chat messages. With this tool, users can use the "Twitch Chat Downloader" to generate their first dataset and use this AI to generate more chat messages. This project helps users to get more data for testing or even for fun.
This project is an interpreter for an esoteric programming language called BaerScript. An esoteric programming language is a type of programming language that is designed to be difficult to use for practical purposes. BaerScript has a unique feature where it has a buffer that can be modified in each column. However, it is also Turing complete, which means it has the ability to perform any computation, but it's not recommended to use it for any practical purposes.
Minecraft Authenticator
Minecraft Authenticator
This npm library allows for password-based authentication for Minecraft: Java Edition. It includes support for proxied authentication, which is useful for authenticating a large number of accounts very quickly.
Password Generator
Password Generator
This tool allows users to generate cryptographically secure passwords using a variety of options. It can generate arbitrarily long passwords with built-in character sets, having support for custom character sets too.